is a project by Bin Hussain Corporates, a registered company with SECP. It serves as a local job portal for Pakistan, allowing job seekers to find opportunities and employers to post job openings. is designed for Pakistani locals, including job seekers, employers, and organizations looking to hire skilled professionals.
Currently, basic features like job searching and posting are free. However, premium features (if applicable) may have associated charges.
To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button, fill in your details, and verify your email address.
Once you create your profile, browse the job listings, and click on the "Apply Now" button for the desired job.
Yes, you can upload your resume during registration or by editing your profile later.
Log in to your account, navigate to the "Post a Job" section, and fill out the required details.
Yes, you can manage your job postings from your dashboard.
Yes, all job postings must comply with our Terms and Conditions and should not violate any laws or promote discriminatory practices.
Yes, we take user data security seriously and use appropriate measures to protect your information.
No, we do not share your personal information with third parties, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
If you encounter any issues, please contact us through the Contact Us page or email us at
Currently, we do not have a mobile app, but you can access our website using any mobile browser.
If your question isn't listed here, feel free to reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email us at